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Slim Wallet, Fresh Green Full Grain Leather

Cod: UPPP-00127
$124.00   TVA inclus, nu include taxe de livrare Against
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Livrare rapida, 1-3 zile lucratoare.

Maybe one of the best craftwork items and long-wearing wallets you enjoyed is right here! 

This is a classic item, carefully designed in detail, to be both elegant and useful. 

We manufactured this wallet with infinite care to each detail, in a great looking Italian blue leather. This item is handcrafted by Bocane Atelier, limited series, not a mass-produced item.

 The Full Grain Napa Leather is beautiful and soft to the touch, and it is surprisingly resilient. It will wear well, will not dry or crack. 

 Handcrafted in Europe

 Fit documents, cards, and bills

 Slim, well compartmented, fits the pants back pocket or jacket pocket without making it look overfill. 



Leather: Italian Full Grain Leather
Dimensions: 9.5 x 12.5 x 1 cm (closed)
Stitch: Machine stitch
Special finishes:
  • 5 layers of edge seal paint for a complete beautiful look
  • hand-finished sewing
Inner compartments:
  • 1 banknote compartment
  • 2 document slots
  • 6 card slots
Origin: Made in Europe, right in the Bocane Leather Manufacture Atelier


Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Alexandru Sterian (Galati, RO)
Portofel elegant, minimalist si de calitate

Am ales acest portofel si sunt extrem de multumit de achizitie. Calitatea materialului este evidenta; pielea este fina la atingere. Designul minimalist il face elegant si usor de integrat in orice stil. Cusaturile sunt impecabile, iar atentia la detalii confirma un produs premium. In plus, a venit ambalat cu grija, intr-o prezentare eleganta ceea ce m-a multumit.
Dimensiunea este ideala, oferind suficient spatiu pentru carduri si bancnote fara sa fie voluminos. Culoarea verde adauga o nota de originalitate, fara a fi prea stridenta. Recomand cu incredere celor care cauta un portofel de calitate, cu un design simplu si rafinat!

Maria Militaru (Ploieşti, RO)
Parere portofel verde

Portofelul verde este un cadou minunat ptr orice ocazie.
Calitatea pielii este de o finete deosebita, Compartimentarea este eficienta si aleasa atent ptr a multumi orice cumparator.
Recomand cu incredere acest produs, la livrare te fascineaza si ambalajul, gata pregatit ptr o surpriza placuta.

Slim Wallet, Fresh Green Full Grain Leather
Slim Wallet, Fresh Green Full Grain Leather
Slim Wallet, Fresh Green Full Grain Leather
Slim Wallet, Fresh Green Full Grain Leather

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